Electoral Services have asked the Parish Council to share some key dates with our local residents so you are aware of what you need to do and when.  This will assist you to take part in the upcoming local elections on 6 May, by your preferred method – in person, by Post or by Proxy.

Registering to vote

Anyone who wishes to vote must be registered on the electoral register. The deadline for those who are not registered to make an application is Monday 19 April. For more information and to register see:

Postal voting 

For anyone interested in voting by post this year they just need to make sure they apply before 20 April 2021. They can request a postal vote application form by visiting

We would encourage people to sign up to do this as quickly as possible.

Proxy voting 

If a resident is unable to make it to the polling station, then they can nominate someone to be their proxy and cast their vote for them. The proxy needs to be a registered voter and able to attend the voter’s own polling station. Applications for proxy voting need to be sent to the District Council by no later than 5pm on Tuesday 27 April.

More information around the local elections for 2021 can be found at our website

Meeting Slides – Fastershire Community Meeting

Please see attached presentation slides from Fastershire for the St.Briavels cabinet build area re improving broadband in the area

21st March The Census is coming

Get ready for the first digital-first @Census2021 on 21 March. Your Census letter will be with
you in early March and will explain what you need to do next. There will be help available if
you need it, including a contact centre providing telephone support and interpretation
services, large print questionnaires and guidance booklets in 49 languages (inc braille). For
further information, visit

the census is coming facebook and instagram english


Public Footpath 3 Post Lane – Resurfacing w/b 1 March 2021

The 3 Post Lane Public Footpath by The Tump that runs between the Castle and Cinder Hill / Lower Road junction will be resurfaced from the week beginning 1 March.  GCC will be placing aggregate, and Tarmac etc  on the road by the top of the footpath from Monday.   These works are being carried out under the Public Rights of Way programme in response to the PC requesting improvements   following parishioners concerns over the poor condition and safety of the existing pathway.  The works are being funded by the County council, and the PC will review the need for any additional handrails or similar extras once the main works are complete.

Overnight Closures A466 / A48 Chepstow from 15.02.21

We have been advised of Overnight Total Closures A466 / A48 Highbeech Roundabout Chepstow Week Commencing 15.02.21 and 22.02.21 – see map attached

from Monmouth CC:

Please be advised of the temporary road closures detailed below which are required to carry out essential carriageway resurfacing at the A466/A48 Highbeech Roundabout Chepstow. Works are scheduled to commence on the 15.02.21 with an expected duration of two weeks.

To enable the works to be carried out safely, the A466 Wye Valley Link Road and St. Lawrence Road will be closed overnight 20:00hrs to 06:00hrs Monday to Friday in both directions between Newhouse Interchange and Lion’s Lodge Roundabout. The alternative route for traffic affected by the closure will be signed via Thornwell Road, Bulwark Road, A48 Newport Road and B4293 Welsh Street as shown on the attached plan. Local access to properties will be managed from Lion’s Lodge Roundabout up to the Works area at Highbeech Roundabout. In addition to the closure, temporary traffic signals will be in operation on the circulatory carriageway of Highbeech Roundabout to maintain the flow of traffic on the A48 Newport Road.

St Briavels Castle  Damage advised by English Heritage

St Briavels Castle  Damage advised by English Heritage

Recent extremely heavy rainfall has led to partial collapse of part of the inner Bailey wall of the Castle. With public safety being paramount part of the moat is cordoned off with warning signs displayed in the area adjacent to the curtain wall, which is necessary to keep people safe. English Heritage advise there will be regular safety checks and specialist assessments undertaken until appropriate repairs can be made as soon as possible in the new year.

Image caption


Proposed Budget 2021/22

The Parish Councils proposed Budget for next year has been drafted and will be finalised at our January meeting.  Please see the file attached



(junctions with Coldharbour Rd and Hilgay Rd)

The closure is necessary for the safety of the general public due to a deep sink hole. Emergency and Pedestrian access to adjoining premises is to be maintained.  This Notice comes into force on the 1st December 2020 for 21 days NOW EXTENDED from 5th Jan 2021 for 2 days – see updated notice Emergency First Notice - Signed

Please see attached map and official notices

Road safety works Barrowell Lane now starting 7th Dec

Temporary traffic lights to carry out safety improvement works Barrowell Lane, St Briavels.

NOTE start dates are now Monday 7th December not 30th November
Gloucestershire County Council Highways will be carrying out safety improvement works including new tactile paving, reflective bollards, gateway posts, signs and road markings.
Will need to use temporary traffic lights to undertake these works and some traffic delays could be expected. To ensure the safety of pedestrians, road users and our workforce, it is possible that some sections of the footway may also need to be closed at a time.