What do a Parish Council do?

A Parish Councils main role is to represent the interests of the whole community.  We aim to provide a focus for the community to identify any concerns and projects, by solving them ourselves.

All Decisions are the responsibility of the whole body and are made collectively and by majority.  Parish Councils have been granted powers by Parliament to raise money through taxation- the precept, and the various ways to spend public money, such as maintenance and signage around the village.

Role of a Parish Councillor

The main role of a Parish Councillor is to represent the views of all residents within the parish, to listen and understand the needs of the different groups within the community (youngsters, older residents, clubs…).  We come together once a month and are joined by members of the community, who can express any concerns or raise any points that they feel need addressing.   Each councillor has a specific role within the parish (Highways, footpaths, planning….) and members of the community are encouraged to get in touch with the relevant councillor for the first point of contact. Many of the village clubs and associations successfully receive funding, awarded by the Parish Council.