St Briavels News Report October 2020

Our new Clerk, Ellen Hopper, joined us 1st October, and we said a grateful thanks and farewell to Locum Clerk Richard Crighton. Richard’s been a very safe expert pair of hands in unprecedented times.

The Parish Council monthly meetings are running successfully online using Zoom with some limited access at the Assembly Rooms in Covid-safe conditions. The Public are welcome – joining details on parish noticeboards or from the Clerk. Next meeting 9th November.

Don’t forget we are updating our website and are on Facebook, so keep watching for news and fresh content – tell us what you think.

In these challenging Covid times we couldn’t hold this years Apple Day, and sadly Remembrance Day is the latest casualty of the restrictions – see separate article. The Parish Council has busily moved forward with other recently made resolutions and activities (full minutes on the website), including:

  • A recently distributed flier by the Parish Council Highways team detailed the major road safety improvement works finally agreed with GCC Highways to improve the villages priority
    issue of speeding. The County Council plan to progress these measures this year.
  • The Council reviewed six planning applications from the village, Lower Meend, the Common and Bream Rd, and stated no objection to all applications. Please see our minutes for details.
  • We resolved to purchase 3 replacement benches to be installed very soon in the Cemetery, outside the Church, and by the Primary school.
  • 3 Defibrillators have now been transferred by Heartbeat St Briavels to the Parish Council and are being refurbished. Watch for news of a Defibrillator Strategy building on the provision and coverage of this lifesaving resource across the parish.
  • A Parish Council Working Group in conjunction with the church have recently carried out further tidying adding to the recent commissioned works improving this revered space in the
    community. We received lovely comments supporting these efforts.
  • Our “Lady with the clipboard” Councillor Jess Worgan – Lead Councillor Amenities, has been busily surveying the Parish assets to ensure all are kept in tip top condition.
  • As part of the Village Shop Action Group, good progress is being made to secure a future for this valuable community resource. Watch for further news and consultation coming soon.
  • Christmas celebrations will likely be impacted by Covid restrictions – however we are pleased to announce the village will have a Christmas tree. It will be located centrally in the village, with special new decorations planned.

A seasonal bonfire request – please be respectful of your neighbours, pick suitable weather conditions, ensure no wildlife or pets are at risk, or don’t have them at all for environmental harmony.

Final quick reminder – re planned full road closures:

  •  The Lodge/Windward Cottage. 24-26 November
  • Fern Cottage/The Flood House. 26-27 November

As Covid continues to impact so much of our lives, please follow the guidance, keep safe, and take care. The Parish Council will endeavour to best support the village as we all look out for each other in these difficult times.

Ellen Hopper, Clerk & RFO, St Briavels Parish Council
